Saturday, October 21, 2017

I feel like an old hippy

A few years ago, I was suffering from severe sinus issues.  The headaches were awful, many turning into migraines.  I was going through my months perscription in 2 weeks.  I was miserable.   As I tutored a friends granddaughter she shared a small container of something she had mixed up.  Since I had a corner on the vics vapor rub, and it smelled similar I figured why not.  I was amazed how much relief I got.  I could use it as often as i needed with no side effects.  She shared more of her "potions" and I was hooked.
I ordered the expensive kit and was so excited when it came in.  Unfortunately, the excitement passed as I realized I had no idea what to do with all the cute little bottles.  Being the skeptic that I am I soon decided that I could get the same stuff for a lot less cost.  So I did what anyone did, I bought online or at the health store.  The scents were very similar so I was happy and still had money in my pocket.  Until, I did some reading about oils and learned the hazards of them along with benefits.  I talked to alot of "oilers" and collected lots of info.  Then it happened, I started getting bad headaches and the cheaper oils were no help.  The final straw was when my DH came in and asked if I was painting. "of course not".  "Well, it smells like turpentine in here"  that was it.  I started eliminating some of the cheaper oils.  and eventually forgot about using them all together.  
There came a day at school, as a teacher, I was having some serious stress issues and my students were out of control.  My first "oily" friend came to my rescue and I have been hooked with great results.  
I hope you follow me as I learn more about essential oils and continue my journey to a healthier me.

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